To celebrate the beautiful woodland, wildlife and nature around us, local community action group, is pleased to launch an Autumn competition. A chance to get the whole family outside, enjoying the tranquil spaces, as the leaves turn colour and the acorns continue to fall.
Loxwood photography & drawing competition.
It’s easy to take part, whatever your age, with two ways to enter and the chance to win a prize!
How to take part:
Are you a budding Wildlife Photographer? Always snapping images of the changing seasons? Here’s your chance to share your shots with a wider audience. Simply post a high resolution landscape photo that you’ve taken in the Pallinghurst woods, Loxwood during the last year to enter.
The photo could be the stunning bluebells in Spring, toadstools in Autumn, a robin in Winter or simply your family (including the dog of course) walking in the Summer sunshine of the woodland. Anything goes as long as the photo was taken in the past year. The photography competition is open to all.
First prize is a photography voucher for a family or individual shoot kindly donated by Sian T Photography, Cranleigh. Second and third prizes of ready to plant oak saplings.
If getting hands-on creative is more your thing, or the kids want to make a mess over half term, then our drawing competition could be for you.
Just share why ‘I Love My Countryside’ by creating an A4 portrait poster or collage about what your kids love about the outdoors. Posters could include anything from woodland creatures to fields, trees and leaves.
The drawing competition is open to call children up to age 13.
First prize is crafty goodies including a Hobbycraft canvas teepee so you can decorate it yourself, then camp out at home too. Second and third prizes of ready to plant oak saplings.
Entry details:
The competition is open from today Thursday 22nd October 2020 until Monday 9th November 2020.
To take part, please post your high res landscape photograph or a photo of your poster to our Facebook group or twitter feed.
Be sure to use the hashtag #SaveLoxwoodWoods and remember to tag @stoploxwoodclaypit. Please include a title for your photo, the season or month it represents and the name of the photographer, or your child’s first name and age on the poster.
Not on social media? You can still enter by emailing your creation to and we'll upload to the social channels on your behalf.
The winning entries will be those with the most likes in both categories, through social media from Thursday 22nd Oct 2020 to Monday 9th November 2020.
Winners will be announced the following Monday 16th November 2020.
So put on your wellies, find your favourite walk and start clicking. Or pick up your paints, glue and materials to start creating. Good luck everyone!.
Full Terms & Conditions:
Entry to the competitions is free.
Photography competition is open to everyone.
You don’t need to be a professional!
Maximum one photo per entrant, you can enter on behalf of a child.
Your photo must be taken in the Pallinghurst Woods, Loxwood during the last year.
The photo must be taken in landscape format, in high definition quality.
Drawings must be A4 portrait.
Drawing competition is open to any children up to age 13.
All photographs submitted must be the work of the individual who submits them.
If you are under 16, you must have permission from your parent or guardian to enter.
The photo must be free of text and watermarks.
Please take care to avoid damage to the environment in the process of your photography and keep to the public footpaths.
Your details will not be passed on to any third party without your permission.
By submitting a photograph or poster to this competition, entrants agree that Stop the Loxwood Clay reserves the right to free reproduction and exhibition of the image in all media.
Photographers will be credited if an image is used in the future. The copyright of photographs remains with the photographer.
Digital adjustments are acceptable; the way in which any digital enhancement or editing has been used will be taken into account when judging the entry. However, major changes of content are not allowed.
The photography competition will be judged by Sian T Photography, Cranleigh.
The drawings will be voted on by the community and the organiser’s decision on all matters relating to the competition is final.
There will be a first, second and third prize per category, details to be announced.
Entry into the competition is acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
Entries must be posted to the Facebook or Twitter group with the hashtag #SaveLoxwoodWoods and tag @stoploxwoodclaypit.or emailed to for upload to the social feeds.
Photography entries must include your name, a title for the photo and the season it represents. Eg. Joe Bloggs, Loxwood Toadstools, Autumn.
All entries to be submitted by 23.00 on Monday 9th November 2020.
Please remember to keep to the public footpaths whilst you are enjoying the open spaces.
Have fun and enjoy our local, beautiful countryside!