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The Chief Planning Officer for WSCC has released his report on the Loxwood Claypit & Waste Recycling

The Chief Planning Officer for WSCC has released his report on the Loxwood Claypit & Waste Recycling Planning Application which recommends that the application be refused!

So now we need YOUR HELP to fill all the seats in the public gallery with objectors to the application! You need to register to attend the meeting which is taking place at County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ starting at 10.30 a.m.

PLEASE make sure that you follow the following WSCC instructions carefully:

Due to the very high level of public interest in this application, attendance will be via ticket only. For reasons of safety of attendees, there is a limit of 80 seats available to the public to observe the proceedings in person at County Hall. If you wish to attend, you must register in advance for a ticket, which will then be sent to you along with information about accessing the meeting and advice about keeping safe. To register for a ticket to attend the meeting please email: Tickets will be allocated strictly on a first come, first served basis and you will be provided with details of COVID safety recommendations and other relevant information. Attendees will need to print their tickets and bring them along or show the ticket on a mobile device to gain entry to the meeting. Please note that if you turn up for the meeting on the day and you have not pre-registered for a ticket and the public gallery is full then we will be unable to grant you access to the meeting. Thank you for your continued support!



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