The planning application for a claypit and waste recycling facility in Pallinghurst Woods was finally heard yesterday by WSCC Planning Committee at County Hall in Chichester. We are delighted to say that the Committee returned a unanimous decision to REFUSE the application, following the Planning Officer’s advice.
The application was refused on every single one of the 6 material planning considerations:
• the need for clay
• the deposit of inert waste to land
• the placement of a waste recycling site in the countryside
• the impact on the landscape character and public amenity
• the impact on biodiversity
• the impact on road safety on the local highways
This is a superb result and one we have all been wishing for. It has made all that campaigning over the past two years worthwhile and we owe you, our supporters a huge THANK YOU for helping us make this happen. We could not have done this without you!
We’ve had a lot of press and media interest yesterday so you might catch us being interviewed by BBC Radio Sussex and Surrey as well as coverage in the Chichester Observer here>
On a slightly disappointing note, but hardly surprising, the applicant has made it known that they intend to take this to judicial review and/or appeal the council's decision. It’s not quite clear what they intend to do, but whatever it is, they are going to have a hard battle overturning this decision.
However, we should not let that dampen our spirits in the least. We can now continue to visit Pallinghurst Woods and know that it will remain the tranquil haven that we all love and enjoy.
Many thanks again for all your support. You have been amazing!