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NEWS UPDATE - Loxwood Claypit & Waste Recycling Planning Application - Key Dates & Actions


The planning committee meeting to hear the Loxwood Claypit and Waste Recycling application remains scheduled for Wednesday 18th May 2022.

However, the agenda for this meeting will now be published next Monday, 9th May 2022. The Chief Planning Officer’s report and recommendation will also become available on that day. All those who lodged an objection or comment to the application should be informed via email by WSCC. However, we will also make sure that the agenda and the report are made to view through all our usual communication channels.

Also on Monday 9th, seats in the public gallery will become available and all those who objected/commented to the application will get a further email communication on how to obtain these. We need YOUR HELP to fill all the seats in the public gallery with objectors to the application, so please respond as soon as you receive the email from WSCC. PLEASE NOTE that people seated in the public gallery are NOT allowed to speak at the meeting.

As always we will keep you updated on further developments and communications. We look forward to seeing any many of you as possible at the Planning Committee Meeting on 18th May. Again, a huge thank you for your continued support.



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