In August 2020, we discovered that a company named Loxwood Clay Pits Ltd (LCP), is undertaking pre-application planning advice to site a clay pit and landfill deep in Loxwood woods. A local community action group has been formed with the primary aim to investigate what could happen, understand the implications and potentially protest against and hopefully prevent, any woodland development.
At time of writing a planning proposal is expected in late 2020 or early 2021.
The Loxwood woodland is one of the most tranquil spaces in West Sussex. Untouched for decades, the woodland can be enjoyed along the many Public Rights of Way, as well as locally used pathways which criss cross the woodland. Generations of walkers, riders, runners and cyclists have used the peaceful setting year round, surrounded by birdsong, with glimpses of wild deer, foxes, butterflies and rare wild flowers.
The action group was founded by Gareth Evans, LibDem District Councillor for Loxwood ward (Chichester). Commenting on the formation of the group Gareth said “Over the last weeks I have been supporting community members to form a campaign group to save our woods. We’ve already recruited lots of amazing, skilled and hard working volunteers and will do all we can to save our wildlife and the woodland.”
Gareth also created a petition on which currently has over 3600 signatures. You can sign by clicking here.
Want to get involved? Email the volunteer team, follow, like and share our posts on social and be ready to protest if a planning application appears.