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Writer's pictureStop The Loxwood Clay Pit

Public Footpaths & Bridleways could be disrupted by plans to develop woodland.

Updated: Feb 13, 2021

The proposed site for development, deep in Pallinghurst Woods, Loxwood, is an area that's adjoined by numerous public rights of way. The main public footpath and bridleway would be crossed twice, in a short distance, by the proposed access to the site, close to the Loxwood Road lay-by. Heavy HGV's could pass as often as every 15 minutes along public rights of way in the woodland, frequently used by the community. Imagine your child on a bike with a HGV thundering past, or your dogs running across the foothpaths into its path, or preventing your horse from being spooked.

The proposed route for HGV movement through the woodland to the proposed development site, is further crossed by public footpath as it travels deeper towards the proposed site for the Construction and Demolition waste recycling facility. Not sure what this might look like? Check out our post here.

The northern most boundary of the site, is also adjacent to a wide public foothpath, this would be just metres from the proposed development area.

As yet, we have no insight from Protreat, agent for Loxwood Clay Pits Ltd, as to how they would protect the public from traffic movement of heavy machinery, HGVs, and workers on the proposed site especially where it would cross existing public rights of way. With Health and Safety considerations, it's likely areas of the woodland would be fenced, which would impact wildlife movement through habitats as well as the community.

What can we do?

For now, all we can do is wait for the next webinar (December 15th at 1800), to see if Protreat share any more insight and details about the proposed plans. But you can register your objection to any commercial activity in the woodlands by signing the petition at or sign up to receive further info from local community action group StopTheClayPit by emailing join@stoptheclaypit.orgor follow us on Social media – links below.



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