We recently wrote to Member of Parliament for Horsham, Jeremy Quin and Member of Parliament for Chichester, Gillian Keegan. Given the location of the proposed site, on the boundary of both districts, we wanted to ensure they both had awareness of a potential development which could impact residents and constituents for them both.
When we spoke with Gillian Keegan MP last week, she committed to visiting Loxwood, to meet with residents and hear our concerns about the potential development. We'll let you know where and where that will happen, so you can join us and share your views with her.
Here's the response below in full from Jeremy Quin MP. Jeremy had already visited local residents and a number of us had the opportunity to share our views directly with him.

"Dear Stop the Claypit Campaign,
Thank you for your email dated 6th May, regarding the Loxwood Claypits.
I very much enjoyed recently meeting residents who raised this issue and was left in no doubt about the strength of feeling on the claypits.
If an application is made it is the County Council who will ultimately take the decision. No Member of Parliament (either representing Loxwood or Tismans Common) has a statutory role or vote on the decision, which will be taken by a sub-committee of the County Council.
I know Christian Mitchell as the County Councillor for Tismans Common is taking a very active interest and co-ordinating with his colleagues. If a proposal is made I will liaise with him on next steps. However I am pleased to hear that residents are acting now to ensure they can collect the data and evidence to oppose an application if made.
Thank you once again for contacting me.
Yours sincerely,
Jeremy Quin
MP for Horsham "
Image courtesy of https://www.jeremyquin.com/about-jeremy