Thursday March 25th 2021, saw an expert panel of Dr Tony Whitbread, President Sussex Wildlife Trust, Dr Jill Sutcliffe an environmental scientist and author of "Irreplaceable, the fight to save our wild places" Julian Hoffman, discussing the wonders of woodland.
In a FaceBook live premier, the panel explored the wood wide web, the role of funghi, and how children can experience the wonders of a Springtime woodland waking up. Ideal for Easter fun!
If you missed the panel, are not a FaceBook user, or would like to rewatch, just click here
Immediately after the sceening, the panel answered a live Q&A from the community, which proved extremely popular and ran for nearly an hour. With questions from all ages and around a host of topics, you can also rewatch the Q&A by clicking here.
At time of writing, both sessions have had over 2.7K views, so discover the magic of woods for yourself by watching!
If you enjoyed these sessions and would like to support this community action group, as suggested in the Q&A you may like to buy less Easter eggs this year and make a donation to the group. Any monies received will be used to pay for planning experts who have been engaged - more details and info from
With very many thanks to the panel and hosts who generously donated their time and waived all their fees, to make this SussexSpringWatch event happen.

You can discover more about the SussexSpringWatch free programme of events we are running here on the website and the various ways to get involved, including the Arts competition.